How does it feel when you get to know you can take control of your life in only 75 days? Steve believes it’s possible since he started his journey with ‘75 HARD’. ‘75 HARD’ is a mental toughness program designed to develop skills needed to...
How does it feel when you get to know you can take control of your life in only 75 days? Steve believes it’s possible since he started his journey with ‘75 HARD’.
‘75 HARD’ is a mental toughness program designed to develop skills needed to succeed in all spheres of life. Steve says, “It’s about 75 days of sticking to a program that teaches you just to get things done regardless of any excuses.” The real challenge is if you miss any one of those do’s on any day, you start this all over again.
In this episode of the Tactical Entrepreneur Podcast, Steve breaks down what 75 HARD is all about and what it has to do with building your mental toughness. He shares with you his experience so far, and last, but not least, he throws your way the valuable tips, just in case you need a kick start. Being in this practice for just a few days, Steve observed a lot of improvement in his daily work. Tune in to find a way to “work on your self-improvement as there are no better investments you can make than the investment in yourself.”
What you will learn:
Favorite Quote:
“Small things done with excellence over time create huge results.”
-Steve Schabacker
How to Get Involved:
Steve Schabacker is the co-founder of Sheepdog Firearms and an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and marketer. Between his business and his content, Steve is educating firearm owners and armed professionals and setting a new standard for shops and training centers in the industry.
You can visit Sheepdog Firearms online or reach out directly to Steve at
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